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What3Words (W3W)

Uploaded 4/7/2021


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This free resource is a great addition to any roleplay server, allowing the use of What3Words inside FiveM. Instead of coordinates, players are now able to get their location using three words, which can be shared with other players quickly and a waypoint can be set to them using a simple command.

The map is essentially broken up into squares and each position has a unique what3words location, we've included a list of English words found online, you are able to change these - even to another language.

This plugin is made by LondonStudios, we have created a variety of releases including TaserFramework, SearchHandler, ActivateAlarm, SmartTester, SmartSounds, CustodyAlarm, SmartObservations and more!

Free Resource

This is where we'd usually direct you to our Tebex store, but instead this time you download this from GitHub as we've released it for free here.


/w3w - This will get your current location in chat as three words.

/w3w word1.word2.word3 - The words must be formatted with a dot between each and if found, a waypoint will be set to the target location, allowing backup to easily be called on scene.

Framework Integration - vRP / ESX / Others

Permission checks - You can easily edit the cl_w3w.lua file to add permissions.


  1. Download the resource.

  2. Create a new resource folder in your server directory.

  3. Place the contents of the downloaded .zip inside the resource folder.


We appreciate feedback, bugs and suggestions related to W3W and future plugins. We hope you enjoy using the resource and look forward to hearing from people and seeing videos/screenshots of the plugin in action!