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Vehicle Objects - London Studios

Uploaded 4/8/2021


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1.032k · 418.12 KB

Vehicle Objects is a <b>FiveM</b> resource allowing you to add objects such as learner plates, pass plates and parking tickets/penalty charges to vehicles. This will be updated in the future with more objects, such as taxi signs and more!

The included models have been created by myself.

This plugin is made by LondonStudios, we have created a variety of releases including TaserFramework, SearchHandler, ActivateAlarm, SmartTester, SmartSounds, CustodyAlarm, SmartObservations and more!

Join our Discord here for exclusive plugin previews.


/lplate - Add learner plates to the nearest vehicle, or the one you are in.

/pplate - Add pass plates to the nearest vehicle, or the one you are in.

/penaltycharge - Add a parking ticket/penalty charge to the nearest vehicle, or the one you are in.

Simply run the command again to remove the relevant objects. This should work on most vehicles, however for the plates, only one may appear on some vehicles. There should be one at the front and back.


  1. Create a new resource folder on your server.

  2. Add the contents of "resource" inside it. This includes:

"Client.net.dll", "fxmanifest.lua", "stream"

  1. In server.cfg, "ensure" Vehicle Objects, to make it load with your server startup.

Source Code

Please find the source code in the "src" folder. Please ensure you follow the licence in <b>"LICENCE.md"</b>.


We appreciate feedback, bugs and suggestions related to Vehicle Objects and future plugins. We hope you enjoy using the resource and look forward to hearing from people!