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Uploaded 12/15/2021


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SpeedLimiter is a custom FiveM script that sets your vehicles maximum speedlimit. The script is mostly intended for FiveM roleplay, but can be used for any other intent.

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Why use this instead of vMenu?

The reason i made this script was because of vMenu only supporting M/S as input when setting your speedlimit. Rather than guessing or searching up what speed convertions to M/S, this script will allow you to directly input your preferred speedlimit. This script supports M/S, MPH and KPH. You will also get feedback on how fast your speedlimit has been set in multiple values.


  • /speedlimit [unit] [value] Set your desired speedlimit. In the first parameter insert the unit you want to use, script supports MPS, MPH and KPH. The value is what you want to set your speed too, also works with decimal numbers
  • /speedlimitset Set your speedlimit to the current speed your vehicle is driving at
  • /speedlimitreset Reset your speedlimit


This is my first C# FiveM script, so I want to thank @KoenTech for helping me out with issues :)


Made by Fredney
