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Sandy Shores International Airport [FULL RELEASE]

Uploaded 1/10/2021


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1.038k · 37.09 MB


This is my first map release that dates back to April 2020, where I originally built it together with @Oetkher. This resource has been built with CodeWalker by dexyfex.

During the time until today, it has received several tweaks and fixes, however, there might still be some improvements to do. I am NOT actively working further on this release. I might add some improvements if applicable.


This Airport release contains:

  • 2 runways

  • 14 gates

  • 3 stands

  • 3 helipads

  • ATC Tower with interior

  • working runway + taxiway lights

This Airport release does NOT contain:

  • building collision

  • perfection

  • any AI


Instructions to install this resource can be found in the ReadMe.txt. The License provided is to be considered. You may edit this resource on your own discretion. I do NOT offer any help, support on edited resources.


Credit for the last picture to @A350-1000 Pilot Darcie


Made by ImSamu