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KnifeArch - London Studios

Uploaded 4/6/2021


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1.355k · 491.35 KB

KnifeArch is a FiveM resource allowing you to setup walk-through metal detectors which can be triggered by other players, alerting you and playing an external, custom sound as it is activated.

The time has come, you are now able to run knife arch operations and ensure that players are not carrying anything they shouldn't be!

The included model has been taken from the DLC Casino Heist, and re textured.

This plugin is made by LondonStudios, we have created a variety of releases including TaserFramework, SearchHandler, ActivateAlarm, SmartTester, SmartSounds, CustodyAlarm, SmartObservations and more!

Join our Discord here for exclusive plugin previews.

Video demo: here.


/arch [setup/remove] - Setup or remove a knife arch at your location.

/archdetect [true/false] - Set whether you will activate the arch when walking through. If DetectedWeapons is not empty in the configuration, it will detect the specified weapons regardless if this is turned on or off.

The /arch command is able to use AcePermissions, this must be enabled in "config.ini".

The included Activation sound will play upon another player activating the metal detector.

You are only able to remove knife arches you have created and you may only setup one at a time.


  1. Create a new resource folder on your server.

  2. Add the contents of "resource" inside it. This includes:

"Client.net.dll", "Server.net.dll", "fxmanifest.lua", "html", "stream", "config.ini", "SharpConfig.dll"

  1. In server.cfg, "ensure" KnifeArch, to make it load with your server startup.


The "config.ini" file allows you to enable permissions for the /arch command, which means you will have to give players access in your Server.cfg or another whitelisting method.

On line 2, you can set PermissionsEnabled to "true" or "false. The /archdetect command is not included in this.

On line 3, you can set the SoundVolume, this must be below 1.0.

On line 4, you can set the SoundRadius, we recommend keeping this at 30.0.

On line 5, you can set the DetectedWeapons, this is an array of weapon names. Set to { } to disable detection of weapons automatically.

Source Code

Please find the source code in the "src" folder. Please ensure you follow the licence in "LICENCE.md".


We appreciate feedback, bugs and suggestions related to KnifeArch and future plugins. We hope you enjoy using the resource and look forward to hearing from people!