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GravBot [FiveM Edition] [FULL RELEASE]

Uploaded 1/24/2021


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1.741k · 2.47 MB

Fully custom bot made by Grav that allows people to find stats like bans, kicks, warns, playtime & much more! Use +help for commands!<br /> <br /> Advanced whitelist system + live status built in.<br /> <br /> It has easy to use features like +search @user which will find that user's playtime and their punishment history.<br /> This is convenient for servers like an rp server for example. If they need a certain amount of playtime, you can just use +search @user<br /> <br /> Commands are:<br /> <br /> +help - Full list of commands<br /> +about - Bot info, dev credits, uptime<br /> +search @user - Search discord user stats<br /> +playtime [name] - Find playtime for user's by name<br /> +lookup [type] [input] - Lookup stats for id's & names.<br /> +setup - Used for live status